From Charts to Atlas: Merging Latent Spaces into One

NeurReps @ NeurIPS 2023


Models trained on semantically related datasets and tasks exhibit comparable inter-sample relations within their latent spaces. We investigate in this study the aggregation of such latent spaces to create a unified space encompassing the combined information. To this end, we introduce Relative Latent Space Aggregation, a two-step approach that first renders the spaces comparable using relative representations, and then aggregates them via a simple mean. We carefully divide a classification problem into a series of learning tasks under three different settings: sharing samples, classes, or neither. We then train a model on each task and aggregate the resulting latent spaces. We compare the aggregated space with that derived from an end-to-end model trained over all tasks and show that the two spaces are similar. We then observe that the aggregated space is better suited for classification, and empirically demonstrate that it is due to the unique imprints left by task-specific embedders within the representations. We finally test our framework in scenarios where no shared region exists and show that it can still be used to merge the spaces, albeit with diminished benefits over naive merging.

NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Symmetry and Geometry in Neural Representation (NeurReps)
Irene Cannistraci
Irene Cannistraci
Ph.D. Student in Computer Science, Sapienza University of Rome
GLADIA Research Group

Visiting Researcher Student, Helmholtz AI AIDOS Lab

I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science passionate about Deep Learning.